You already love Docker, but you probably aren’t familiar with Docker Desktop. Julie learned how useful this tool is by doing it the hard way. Setup another button to change the monitor back to your default resolution. Like many of us who are now creating content at home I recently added an Elgato Stream Deck controller to my toolkit, along with some key lights, too! I use the stream deck to control the lights while recording video that requires that I be in it.

Julie’s pretty excited about the new features in EF Core 5. And as the name suggests, you can also choose how you would like to visualize these details. Or any of the other 7,000+ courses from some of the most knowledgeable devs who happen to be great at teaching ….

Julie Lerman is a Microsoft Regional director and a long-time Microsoft MVP who now counts her years as a coder in decades. She makes her living as a mentor and consultant to software teams around the world. You can find Julie presenting on Docker, Domain-Driven Design, Microsoft’s EF Core, and other topics at user groups and conferences around the world. Julie blogs at, is the author of the highly acclaimed “Programming Entity Framework” books, numerous magazine articles and popular training videos on

Azure Active Directory cannot manage Live accounts. It can only manage Office 365 or Microsoft 365 accounts. With these changes, not only did I finally Figma Templates, UI Kits get past that failing line of code, but the app accessed the key vault and read my secrets and was able to use the secret to connect to the database.

Working with an Azure Active Directory dependent service: Azure Key Vault

The .NET community fostered a variety of other tech communities and many of them share our meetup which is over 2000 strong. I initiated the Vermont Code Camp in 2009 and continue to be a lead co-organizer. I was a founding board member of the Vermont Software Developer Alliance and served on the board for its first 3 critical years.

  • Please don’t include any personal information such as legal names or email addresses.
  • You’ll need to start by going to the subscription properties.
  • The code failed in the same place but this time I got an HTTP 401 error result — Unauthorized client access.
  • New this year, in addition to regular sessions, are a number of community rooms hosted by Docker Captains.

Please don’t include any personal information such as legal names or email addresses. Learn how to move an Existing ASP.NET Core API to a Serverless Application Model application which is a form of AWS Lambda Functions. Azure Functions take care of most of the server-related problems tied to hosting. Julie shows you how to integrate them with your own app and then monitor the results.

Regardless, I still have the problem of updating a graph of data entities in the EF repository implementation. I have a better understanding of it now and it does not really apply to my scenario as I’m not adding an object that had been detached from a context. Sometimes I yearn for the simple days of Stored Procedures and flattened data. I have a lovely pair wide screen monitors with 1080p resolution. However, when recording software training courses for Pluralsight, we are asked to use a resolution of 1280×720 so that text and code are legible across a variety of devices and sizes.

Please enable JavaScript or switch to a supported browser to continue using You can see a list of supported browsers in our Help Center. I work with teams to guide them towards re-thinking their software architecture and adapt to modern practices. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.

In this session I’ll begin with an empty folder and a terminal, and live-code everything. I’ve also posted the sample code for the course in this repository on my Github account. We’ve detected that JavaScript is disabled in this browser.

The challenge of bringing data from efficient storage engines such as SQL Server into object-oriented programming models is hardly a new one. Most developers address this challenge by writing complex data access code to move data between their applications and the database. This requires an understanding of the database so that you can access data either from the raw tables, from views, or from stored procedures. Julie Lerman is a Microsoft Regional director, Docker Captain, and a long-time Microsoft MVP who now counts her years as a coder in decades. She makes her living as a coach and consultant to software teams around the world. You can find Julie presenting on Entity Framework, Domain-Driven Design and other topics at user groups and conferences around the world.

Generic repository to update an entire aggregate

You’ll need to start by going to the subscription properties. You can find Subscriptions in the search bar if needed. If you have multiple subscriptions, be sure to select the one you intend to use for your application. Once in the subscription properties, select the Access control option. Then from it’s menu, Role assignments and then Add. Having the user is not enough for the authentication to take place though.

Leading software conferences around the world since 2003. Among these are Microsoft’s TechEd, DevConnections, DevIntersection, OreDev , DevSum , NDC , DevTeach , DevReach The Most Useful JavaScript Data Table Libraries to Work With , C2C , SDC , GIDS and more. Julie has also spoken at user groups around the U.S. and Canada. Decades of experience by engaging her to coach your development team.

julie lerman

With Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5, developer’s data access options have increased substantially. In addition to using ADO.NET to create DataReaders or DataSets, Microsoft has added LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework as well as ADO.NET Data Services, which leverages those two. In addition to these new options, there are new syntaxes to learn. LINQ, which is built into Visual Basic and C#, has one implementation for LINQ to SQL and another for LINQ to Entities.

Let me help you avoid suffering through another failure. Don’t try to add in an O365 identity that has the same email address as the personal identity. The code failed in the same place but this time I got an HTTP 401 error result — Unauthorized client access. That’s because even though the key vault created an access policy with my Live account, it’s a trap.

Unify Community Health

A vendor’s product list most likely does not change very often and their category list changes even less frequently. However, those same lists must be queried from the database over and over again every time a user browses to that Web site. This is an annoyingly inefficient use of resources and developers and architects have been stuck playing cat-and-mouse trying to reduce the waste. I have two identities in my O365 account – julia and jlerman. The jlerman account has the same exact email address as my Live account.

julie lerman

In my case, I returned to the key vault and created a new access policy for the new identity. While participating in a truly global community, my heart belongs to the tech community in Vermont. I founded the Vermont.NET user group in 2002 and we continue to have monthly meetings all these years later.

CODE Author

I’ve been building software solutions for businesses for nearly 30 years and now focus on helping development teams plan and architect their software. I’m a Microsoft Regional Director with strong ties to a number of teams at Microsoft. I’ve also been recognized as a Microsoft MVP since 2003 for my technical expertise and my community involvement. In 2018, I was added to the Docker Captains program. I just removed the mapping and factory logic to simplify the question.

What’s New in Entity Framework 4, Part 2: Modeling Changes

Could you tell me step by step what you’re trying to do? Do you try to hook a newly added entity to an existing one? Anyway, have a look here to see how EF deals with Entity Sates. Julie shows you how the development team listened to the community for this latest release as 10 Top Cloud Security Companies she explores all the cool new tools. Julie explores how to get started with Azure Data Explorer and makes sense of it for those developers who are curious but don’t have big data projects to work on. But Glenn was unimpressed and created some new ones and sent them to me.

There is no easy way to change the resolution other than going into system settings. But I now have a super easy way to change that monitor’s resolution back and forth. Therefore I needed to add one of my Office 365 identities into my Azure Active directory. When the debugger attempts to access the key vault with those credentials it throws an error. I was writing a small ASP.NET Core app and wanted to store its secrets– some connection strings – in an Azure Key Vault to keep them out of my source code.